Here is where Premier excels. The touching up and repair of surface damage is the single most important element of any restoration effort. All great repairs start with the best touch-ups.

Our technicians pay close attention to the existing finish, stain color, the base wood or veneer characteristics, the sheen, the severity of the damage, and how the piece is being used. This work requires years of hands-on experience by master artisans who have developed a talent and aptitude through years of training and apprenticeship. Our world class touch-up masters are able to think on their feet, and prepared with the latest materials, they can respond to a variety of field situations with efficiency and consistent, successful results.
Premier has pioneered some of the best low-odor field techniques in the business, allowing us to conduct repairs during regular working hours, rather than after-hours at additional expense. The staff has been exclusively trained on old-world French polishing techniques, applying lacquer by hand, rather than spraying.
We are at the forefront of the water-based finishes revolution, and are constantly testing new formulas and materials to determine if they can perform to our strictest industry standards. Trust Premier to make an immediate difference in the appearance of your woodwork and office furniture. To find out more ways we can help, contact us today.